Monday, November 19

Advanced Processors MSE-II Syllabus

Following is the syllabus for Advanced Processors for MSE-II:

Advance Processors syllabus:

>> assembly language programming on 8086 using assembler, Interrupts, Writing interrupt services routines, Debugging programs.
>> 80286/386/486 register set, Data types, Overview of instruction set.
>> Memory segmentation with descriptor tables including LDT and GDT, Privilege levels, Paging including address translation, Page level protection.
>> Paging and segmentation, Multitasking with TSS, Pentium architecture including Pentium-Pro.
>> Hyper Threading, Core-2-duo, Concepts of RISC, RISC vs. CISC architecture of SUN SPARC.

With Regards,
Anuj Patel

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